Results for 'Renata Baracho Porto'

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  1.  59
    Creativity and Innovation Affairs: Are They or Are They Not...?Katja Tschimmel, Andrzej Klimczuk, Daniel Santos, Daniela Marzavan, Dirk Loyens, Fátima Pombo, Fernando Mendes, Gijs van Wulfen, Jens Unger, Joana Alves dos Santos, Joana Moreira, Joăo Menezes, Joăo Petiz, Juan Fernando de Laiglesia, Julio Martins, Kärt Summatavet, Laura Ferreira, Maria Stashenko, Mariana Serra, Renata Gastal Porto, Rocío Cervino, Rui Coutinho, Rute Sousa, Shujoy Chakraborty, Tomás Gamboa, Violeta Clemente, Virpi Kaartti & Wiebke Borgers - 2022 - Porto: Mindshake.
    This book is dedicated to clarify ambiguous concepts from the world of creativity and innovation. One of the initial triggers for the development of the book was the perceived ambiguity of the binomials Design vs. Design Thinking and Innovation vs. Invention. Frequently, designers and innovation consultants are questioned by their clients about the relationships between these kind of concepts. Has the second emerged through the first, or vice-verse? Is one part of the other? Where are the similarities and which are (...)
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    A escravidão e seus locais de memória – O Rio de Janeiro e suas “maravilhas”.Renata Figueiredo Moraes - 2017 - Odeere 1 (2).
    O Rio de Janeiro colonial e escravista é um contraste à ideia de cidade maravilhosa. Apesar do esforço atual de inserir o quesito “maravilha” na região portuária, foi por ela que milhares de africanos destinados a escravização chegaram. O texto reflete sobre o Cais do Valongo e o cemitério dos pretos novos, tratando-os como locais de memória do tráfico e dos descendentes de africanos escravizados. Os diferentes usos públicos e políticos feitos desses locais também serão tratados uma vez que tem (...)
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    Women Know Better What Other Women Think and Feel: Gender Effects on Mindreading across the Adult Life Span.Renata Wacker, Sven Bölte & Isabel Dziobek - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  4. Folk concepts of person and identity: A response to Nichols and Bruno.Renatas Berniūnas & Vilius Dranseika - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (1):96-122.
    Nichols and Bruno claim that the folk judge that psychological continuity is necessary for personal identity. In this article, we evaluate this claim. First, we argue that it is likely that in thinking about hypothetical cases of transformations, the folk do not use a unitary concept of personal identity, but instead rely on different concepts of ‘person’, ‘identity’, and ‘individual’. Identity can be ascribed even when post-transformation individuals are no longer categorized as persons. Second, we provide new empirical evidence suggesting (...)
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    Offensive language in media discussion forums: A pragmatic analysis.Renata Povolná & Olga Dontcheva Navratilova - 2023 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19 (2):223-238.
    This study intends to contribute to the delimitation of selected offensive language categories based on an analysis of a corpus of contributions to discussion forums in Czech online national newspapers and news platforms called Czech Corpus of Offensive Language (CCOL). It endeavours to study three problematic areas (1) delimitation between the speech acts performed, (ii) lexical realisation of specific properties of the target and (iii) identification and categorisation of implicit offence (e.g. figurative semantic shifts) by exploring contextual cues for the (...)
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    La fotografía en el simbolismo y el constructivismo rusos. Reflexiones en torno a su ontología.Renata Carla Finelli - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 52 (1):e040.
    El presente trabajo examina las imágenes fotográficas publicadas en la revista prerrevolucionaria Mir iskusstva, entendida como uno de los íconos del simbolismo ruso de fin de siglo, y las compara con las fotografías de las revistas constructivistas LEF y Novyy LEF, revistas emblemáticas de la vanguardia soviética de principios de siglo XX. La investigación sostiene como hipótesis principal que cada revista definió a la fotografía según las creencias y convicciones de cada contexto artístico. Como hipótesis secundaria, se afirma que la (...)
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    The role of insight in science education: An introduction to the cognitional theory of Bernard Lonergan.Renata-Maria Marroum - 2004 - Science & Education 13 (6):519-540.
  8.  28
    ¿Qué evalúan los instrumentos de evaluación?. Valoraciones de estudiantes.Mónica Porto Currás, María Luisa García Hernández & Elisa Navarro Medina - 2013 - Arbor 189 (760):a018.
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  9. A Constituição do Leitor: Ambientação, Espaços Textualizados, Cantos e Recantos ou a Negação da Leitura como Prática Significativa e Emancipatória?Renata Junqueira de Souza & Cyntia Graziella Guizelim Simões Girotto - 2008 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 10 (1).
  10.  17
    The Peripheral Mind. Philosophy of Mind and the Peripheral Nervous System by István Aranyosi.Renata Ziemińska - 2013 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 18 (2):263-269.
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  11. Ludzka natura z perspektywy archeologii jako dyscypliny humanistycznej.Renata Zych - 2003 - Colloquia Communia 74 (1):157-162.
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    On Anxiety.Renata Salecl - 2004 - Routledge.
    We frequently hear that we live in an age of anxiety, from 'therapy culture', the Atkins diet and child anti-depressants to gun culture and weapons of mass destruction. While Hollywood regularly cashes in on teenage anxiety through its Scream franchise, pharmaceutical companies churn out new drugs such as Paxil to combat newly diagnosed anxieties. On Anxiety takes a fascinating, psychological plunge behind the scenes of our panic stricken culture and into anxious minds, asking who and what is responsible. Putting anxiety (...)
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  13.  45
    Disclosure Responses to a Corruption Scandal: The Case of Siemens AG.Renata Blanc, Charles H. Cho, Joanne Sopt & Manuel Castelo Branco - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (2):545-561.
    In the current study, we examine the changes in disclosure practices on compliance and the fight against corruption at Siemens AG, a large German multinational corporation, over the period 2000–2011 during which a major corruption scandal was revealed. More specifically, we conduct a content analysis of the company’s annual reports and sustainability reports during that period to investigate the changes of Siemens’ corruption and compliance disclosure using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Through the lens of legitimacy theory, stakeholder analysis, and (...)
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    Resource bounded belief revision.Renata Wassermann - 1999 - Erkenntnis 50 (2-3):429-446.
    The AGM paradigm for belief revision provides a very elegant and powerful framework for reasoning about idealized agents. The paradigm assumes that the modeled agent is a perfect reasoner with infinite memory. In this paper we propose a framework to reason about non-ideal agents that generalizes the AGM paradigm. We first introduce a structure to represent an agent's belief states that distinguishes different status of beliefs according to whether or not they are explicitly represented, whether they are currently active and (...)
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  15. The weirdness of belief in free will.Renatas Berniūnas, Audrius Beinorius, Vilius Dranseika, Vytis Silius & Paulius Rimkevičius - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 87:103054.
    It has been argued that belief in free will is socially consequential and psychologically universal. In this paper we look at the folk concept of free will and its critical assessment in the context of recent psychological research. Is there a widespread consensus about the conceptual content of free will? We compared English “free will” with its lexical equivalents in Lithuanian, Hindi, Chinese and Mongolian languages and found that unlike Lithuanian, Chinese, Hindi and Mongolian lexical expressions of “free will” do (...)
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  16. Time and moral judgment.Renata S. Suter & Ralph Hertwig - 2011 - Cognition 119 (3):454-458.
  17.  16
    O lugar da obra de arte na filosofia do sublime do século XVIII.Renata Covali Cairolli Achlei - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (3):257-273.
    A relação entre o sublime e a arte, a princípio, soa natural e certa, mas ao longo do século XVIII algumas teorias afastaram essa categoria da produção artística. Foram décadas notadamente frutíferas nas questões sobre o sublime, período em que não só o sublime recebe seu título de categoria estética como destacadamente participa das questões epistemológicas da recém cunhada disciplina Estética. Nesse cenário, alguns pensadores se voltam exclusivamente para o sublime natural. Esse artigo procurará mostrar o caminho percorrido por esse (...)
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  18.  16
    Per una filosofia concreta: alle radici del pensiero di Marcuse.Renata Bascelli - 2018 - Firenze: Editrice Clinamen.
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    The Mania and Stimmung: On the phenomenological differences of the perception of mania and their transformations.Renata Bazzo & Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker - 2020 - Phenomenology and Mind 18:242-248.
    Epidemiological studies of the last decade have shown a low prevalence of hypomania and bipolar I disorder in Western societies while pointing to a prevalence of unipolar mania in non-Western societies. This work seeks to investigate the explanatory role of the Stimmung concept to understand these differences, as much as the increase in the number of cases of mania in the West in the last two decades. It attempts to explore the relationship between the phenomenology of hypomania and its adaptation (...)
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    Musical Idioms as Meaningful and Expressive Constants. Marek Piaček: Apolloopera - A Melodrama about Bombing for the Choir, Actor and Trombone.Renáta Beličová - 2018 - Espes 7 (2):4-13.
    Musical idioms may appear side by side in a wide variety of historical, group-based or individual compositional styles used in the postmodern compositions. The reception interpretation of musical works is based on the idioms of musical speech as meaningful and expressive constants. Not only do the reveal the positive or negative ties of current musical language to the musical poetics from previous periods, they also update their meanings. The idiomatic musical structures naturally grow into the social system of music and (...)
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  21.  22
    Exorcisme médical : les essais scientifiques de distribution de drogue sous contrôle médical.Renata Coray - 1997 - Hermes 21.
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  22. Primórdios da moderna teoria dos germes: Agostino Bassi e a doença dos bichos-da-seda.Renata Riveira Ferreira & Roberto de Andrade Martins - 1997 - Episteme 3.
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    Cuncta quatiam: Medea shakes the elements.Renata Cazarini de Freitas - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 21:255-281.
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    Il pensiero del Cusano.Renata Gradi - 1941 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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    Saggio di logica.Renata Gradi - 1941 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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  26.  20
    The Radicalism of Romantic Love: Critical Perspectives.Renata Grossi & David West (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Undoubtedly Romantic love has come to saturate our culture and is often considered to be a, or even the, major existential goal of our lives, capable of providing us with both our sense of worth and way of being in the world. The Radicalism of Romantic Love interrogates the purported radicalism of Romantic love from philosophical, cultural and psychoanalytic perspectives, exploring whether it is a subversive force capable of breaking down entrenched social, political and cultural norms and structures, or whether, (...)
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  27. Opis lingwistyczny a opis logiczny języka (Refleksje w związku z książką Barbary Stanosz "10 wykładów z filozofii języka").Renata Grzegorczykowa - 1994 - Studia Semiotyczne 19:43-45.
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    BURLAS, Ladislav - KOPČÁKOVÁ, Slávka : Ladislav Burlas a slovenská hudobná kultúra.Renáta Kočišová - 2018 - Espes 7 (1):62-64.
    BURLAS, Ladislav - KOPČÁKOVÁ, Slávka : Ladislav Burlas a slovenská hudobná kultúra. Prešov: Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove. ISBN 978-80-555-1780-3. 238 s.
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    Simulation of heat transfer properties and thermal residual stress from quenching studies.Renata Neves Penha, Gustavo Sanchez Sarmiento & George E. Totten - 2006 - Minerva 2 (2):165-172.
  30. Patricia Hill Collins e a noção de interseccionalidade: contribuições para uma teoria social crítica.Renata Dias Ribeiro - 2024 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 16 (46).
    O presente trabalho pretende apresentar, em um primeiro momento, uma noção de interseccionalidade a partir da obra Interseccionalidade (2021), de Patricia Hill Collins e Sirma Bilge. Para tanto, em um primeiro momento consideraremos o percurso histórico de tal noção, bem como sua estreita relação com o feminismo negro a partir da ancoragem que esta noção fornece à tradição feminista negra no Brasil. É possível compreender a interseccionalidade sob diversas óticas, como um conceito, uma teoria, uma prática ou, a forma mais (...)
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    Sonopolis. Kilka uwag o dźwiękowych reprezentacjach miasta.Renata Tańczuk - 2020 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 11 (3).
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  32. Ireneusz Ziemiński, Dusza i dualizm (Richard Swinburn, The Evolution of the Soul).Renata Ziemińska - 1997 - Etyka 30.
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    Niesprawiedliwość poznawcza według Mirandy Fricker. Zastosowania, zarzuty i kontynuacje.Renata Ziemińska - 2024 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 19 (2):5-18.
    The article presents the concept of epistemic injustice developed by Miranda Fricker (2007, 2017). The term refers to instances in which an individual is assigned an inferior epistemic position and thus is at risk of non-epistemic mistreatment. Fricker discusses testimonial injustice (subconsciously seeing someone as less credible) using the example of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre. Hermeneutical injustice, which is described as either a gap in knowledge or a harmful interpretation in the collective imagination, is exemplified by sexual harassment (...)
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  34. Pragmatyczna niespójność sceptycyzmu Sekstusa Empiryka.Renata Ziemińska - 2014 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 9 (4).
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    Advocacy care on HIV disclosure to children.Renata de Moura Bubadué & Ivone Evangelista Cabral - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (2):e12278.
    Children with HIV are dependent on taking continuous medication and care, and family preparation is required when disclosing HIV. This study aimed to unveil families’ experiences with HIV disclosure to children under 13 years old. Eight family members who have disclosed HIV to seropositive children were interviewed in‐depth and individually. The fieldwork took place at a public paediatric outpatient hospital in Rio de Janeiro. The results showed that the family members’ discourse highlighted two ways of knowing their own condition and (...)
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  36.  25
    A passion for ignorance: what we choose not to know and why.Renata Salecl - 2020 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Drawing on philosophy, social and psychoanalytic theory, popular culture, and her own experience, Salecl explores how the passion for ignorance plays out in many different aspects of life today, from love, illness, trauma, and the fear of failure to genetics, forensic science, big data, and the Incel movement-and she concludes that ignorance is a complex phenomenon that can, on occasion, benefit individuals and society as a whole.
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    The Gender Pay Gap: Can Behavioral Economics Provide Useful Insights?Renata M. Heilman & Petko Kusev - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    From the Sky to the Fundamental Physics.Renata Kallosh - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (10):1279-1290.
    We discuss the relation between string theory/supergravity and the observational data in cosmology, as well as at LHC, past and future. We pay particular attention to the possibility of the future detection of primordial gravitational waves and how this might affect our understanding of fundamental physics.
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    Kompetencije školskih ravnatelja.Renata Burai, Ivan Burić & Rona Bušljeta Kardum - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (2):179-201.
    U Republici Hrvatskoj biti ravnatelj/ica odgojno-obrazovne ustanove nije više samo funkcija nego i zanimanje. Obveze i prava ravnatelja/ica odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova proizlaze iz zakonske regulative, dok su kompetencije ravnatelja od 2020. određene standardom zanimanja i standardom kvalifikacije. Ovim se radom na temelju Standarda zanimanja i Standarda kvalifikacije ravnatelja/ica odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova kojima su određene kompetencije ravnatelja/ica odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova želio utvrditi stupanj ravnateljskih kompetencija stečenih formalnim nastavničkim obrazovanjem. Formalno nastavničko obrazovanje podrazumijeva stjecanje kompetencija za rad u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama. Te se kompetencije u Republici (...)
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    Understanding Law and Emotion.Renata Grossi - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (1):55-60.
    Understanding the contributions and the implications of law and emotion scholarship requires an acknowledgement of the different approaches within it. A significant part of law and emotion scholarship is focused on arguing for the relevance of emotion and on identifying emotion in legal processes and actors. Other parts of it venture further to ask how law can affect the expression and content of emotions themselves. This scholarship challenges legal positivist foundations (law as rational and objective), as well as some other (...)
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    O Dever Moral e o Valor Das Ações Humanas Segundo Kant.Renata Cristina Lopes Andrade & Alonso Bezerra de Carvalho - 2012 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 4 (7):235-244.
    Pretendemos, no presente artigo, abordar o conceito de dever (Sollen) no interior da filosofia moral de Kant. Por considerarmos a noção do dever moral enquanto um dos conceitos centrais no (e ao) pensamento prático kantiano e com o intuito de tentar oferecer uma elucidação da busca (e desenvolvimento) de Kant pelo princípio supremo da moral – os fundamentos da ação detentora de valor moral, buscaremos expor: i) o que caracteriza uma ação por dever no pensamento moral kantiano e, ii) porque (...)
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  42.  19
    Processo de subjetivação feminina e política do terror.Renata Queiroz Maranhão - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 5.
    O presente artigo procura avaliar a política de terror como estratégia de controle social a partir da constituição de uma natureza feminina e de propostas para sua remodelagem. Para tanto, foram analisadas mensagens eletrônicas (hoaxes) que circulam na internet. Tais mensagens acabam por propor a segregação social de grupos minoritários. A temática base de tal remodelagem é garantida pela difusão do terror, que serve a estratégias de controle social.
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    (1 other version)Universel/particulier : femmes et droits de propriété (Rome, XVIIe siècle).Renata Ago - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:7-7.
    Le statut juridique des femmes et de leurs biens introduit des différences par rapport à celui des hommes, différences qui sont tantôt défendues tantôt dénoncées par les femmes elles-mêmes, selon qu’elles visent à mettre leurs biens à l’abri des prétentions des créanciers ou, au contraire, qu’elles manifestent leur volonté de tester le plus librement possible. Mais, en préalable à la différence entre hommes et femmes, se trouve le problème de la définition du droit de propriété en tant que tel. De (...)
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    A influência do Tractatus no critério positivista de significado.Renata Maria Santos Arruda - 2019 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 13:6-17.
    One of the motivations for the researches leaded by the members of Vienna Circle with regard to the foundations of scientific language is found on Wittgenstein’s “Tractatus Logico-Philophicus”. Even though there are divergences about the legitimacy of this influence, thebook was, in effect, taken as a theoretical motivation for the structuring of scientific language, developed by logical empiricists. This paper will present the theories developed by members of Vienna Circle emphasizing the elements presents in Tractatusthat were taken, largely, as influence (...)
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  45.  22
    Causalidade na Filosofia da Medicina e da Epidemiologia.Renata Arruda - 2021 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 25 (3):375-399.
    A análise epistemológica das práticas das ciências da saúde vem se tornando mais presente no debate filosófico nas últimas décadas, e se torna premente diante do contexto dramático da pandemia em que atualmente vivemos. Para contribuir com a essa análise, o presente artigo apresenta uma introdução às temáticas da filosofia da medicina e da filosofia da epidemiologia, especialmente o exame do papel da causalidade, conceito fundamental para a compreensão da relação entre saúde e doença. A noção de causa INUS, formulada (...)
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    The Influence of Tractatus in the Positivist Criterion of Meaning.Renata Maria Santos Arruda - 2019 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 13:6-17.
    One of the motivations for the researches leaded by the members of Vienna Circle with regard to the foundations of scientific language is found on Wittgenstein’s “ Tractatus Logico-Philophicus ”. Even though there are divergences about the legitimacy of this influence, thebook was, in effect, taken as a theoretical motivation for the structuring of scientific language, developed by logical empiricists. This paper will present the theories developed by members of Vienna Circle emphasizing the elements presents in Tractatus that were taken, (...)
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    Poética do Waka.Diogo Cesar Porto da Silva - 2021 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 25 (2).
    O artigo se propõe a uma investigação da potência filosófica presente na poesia japonesa clássica conhecida como waka. O aspecto formal mais proeminente do waka é a sua curta estrutura composta geralmente de 31 sílabas moraicas divididas, respectivamente, em 5 versos de 5, 7, 5, 7 e 7 sílabas cada. Para erguer-se como uma forma poética, o waka emprega o recurso rítmico da pausa e uma retórica que vinculam cada poema individual ao todo da tradição através de precedentes. Defendemos que (...)
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    Semantyczna struktura słownictwa i wypowiedzi.Renata Grzegorczykowa & Zofia Zaron (eds.) - 1997 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
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  49. Flaubert.Renata Lis - 2011 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1 (16).
  50. Ręka Flauberta.Renata Lis - 2010 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 4 (15).
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